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Your Green Iguana

by Ron Hines DVM PhD

Green Iguanas come from the forests of Central and South America. Because they like warmth and sunshine, they live in the trees at the edge of the jungle and in clearings. Iguanas are active in the day-time and sleep at night.

There, they can be seen sunning themselves on large tree branches or feeding among the tree leaves. Iguanas are very territorial. A single large male guards a territory not much bigger than a residential lot and it will run off any other adult males that are in sight. I watched this, growing up near Tampico, Mexico.

Is There More Than One Kind Of Iguana?

Yes, but there are not that many that look or act similar to your green iguana. There is the one you are considering which is the common green iguana, a similar one that lives in the Caribbean, spinytail iguanas , rhinoceros iguanas, rock iguanas and a two that live on the Galapagos Islands.

The only one you will see for sale or escaped in the USA is the common green iguana - even though many of them are not green.