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African Butterflyfish

The name Butterflyfish, comes from its shape, looking like a butterfly floating right beneath the surface. On the underside of the pectoral fins, there are markings similar to those on a butterfly wing. This fish has special adaptations in its eyes to see simultaneously in the air and in the water. Being a crepuscular species, this fish is active mostly at dusk. The African Butterflyfish is a jumper which enhances its ability to glide short distances.

African Butterflyfish - Living Environment
A tight aquarium lid is recommended to prevent escape. Column tanks and tall tanks are not recommended for this species as they need the large surface area provided by a rectangular tank. Will eat smaller fish and is intolerant of other surface fish, including other butterflyfish. Best kept with larger, peaceful fish that live in the middle and bottom levels of a tank. A tight aquarium lid is recommended to prevent escape.